This for all of those that are the "nicest wack" people at their particular craft.
Let me make it clearer.....
Being the nicest wack person at a certain craft means you have talent, but the way you do it just makes you trash, regardless of whatever accolades you've attained, your longevity, or any other accomplishment you've acquired.
For example....
You trash bro. This picture is perfect because only a "nice wack" rapper would request for they sideburns to be lined up like this. You thought that was tough didn't you Christopher!? ... smh. Now Ludacris is without a doubt talented, no debatin' that. He's even among the top selling rap artists, if I'm not mistaken all of his albums went platinum....but you still trash my g lmfao. "Southern Hospitality" was my joint, and no one can truly say Ludacris is lyrically incompetent, all that rappin' fast stuff is cool but it's just not moving to me, but it's no "hate", he's just on that line between nice and wack. If it's still unclear to what i'm sayin', I'm sorry, it's just how I feel
You trash too. My guy @SouthSideKingC said it best, "Paul Pierce average at everything, but somehow is well above average overall. I don't get it scientifically lol" Lmao I can't say it any better than that. He's certainly one of the leaders of the Boston Celtics and has averages of 18.4 ppg, 4.7 rpg, and 3.4 apg which are decent still garbage my dude.
When you drive to the rack it look like your whole body hurt, on the court you have the demeanor of the old head at the rec that gets buckets while movin' wild slow and just makes stuff he doesn't even mean to make lmao. And I would get on that picture with the joint wearing fishnet stockings and that kangol but I'm not a "hater", do what you do bro...smh
For my sensitive audience, its just jokes dont take it too serious, yes both of them make the amount of money I dream about and no I don't think I'm perfect or better than anyone else...smh go watch the Disney channel or somethin'
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